Adepts are men who after stern self-denial and by means of consistent self-development have fitted themselves to assist in the ruling of the world. The means by which this position is attained is said to be long and arduous, but in the end the Successful one has fulfilled the purpose for which he was created and transcends his fellows. The activities of Adepts are multifarious, being concerned with the direction and guidance of the activities of the rest of mankind. Their knowledge, like their powers, say Theosophists, far exceeds that of man, and they can control forces both in the spiritual and the physical realm, and are said to be able to prolong their lives for centuries. They are also known as the Great White Brotherhood, Great Hermetic Order, Rishis, Rahats, or Mahatmas.
Those who earnestly desire to work for the betterment of the world may become apprentices or chelas to Adepts, in which case the latter are known as “masters, " but the apprentice must first have practiced self-denial and self-development in order to become sufficiently worthy. The master imparts teaching and wisdom otherwise unattainable, and helps the apprentice by communion and inspiration. Madame Blavatsky (q.v.) alleged that she was the apprentice of these masters, and claimed that they dwelt in the Tibetan Mountains. The term Adept was also employed by mediaeval magicians and alchemists to denote a master of their sciences.
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